Family and Community Engagement
en español: Folleto de participación de padres y familias de SCS
Swain County Schools Parent and Family Engagement brochures: in English or en espanol: Escualez del Condado de Swain - Participación de los padres y la familia.
More: Swain County Schools' Official Board Policies
Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy
District Parent Involvement Policy
Click the links above for official school board policies – (or in Spanish).
Are you interested in serving on our Parent Advisory Council? Please sign up here and we will be in contact.
Your feedback and/or participation is welcome!
Swain County Schools recognizes that parents of our students are the first teachers, and that without the support of parents and our community, we cannot educate our future citizens. We encourage parents to be more than just involved in the schools of our children: ENGAGE with our schools.
We need interested parents! If you can help out in afterschool or have time during the school day, on field trips, if you have a special skill you can share with students or other parents, if you would like to serve on the Parent Advisory Council, please sign up.
(The Advisory Council linked above guides more than just our afterschool program: We would love to have input from parents, and advice for improvement on our programs from Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA,) Title I, and other federal programs, to STEM Camp, STEM programming, or any school issues that you feel need to be modified.
If you have any problems with our website, please let us know via other means of contact (Kimberly at or Evan: or if you prefer a paper copy of the parent policies, how you would like to receive the copy (mail – we need your mailing address; sent home with your child – please give us your child’s name and school; or we can email a PDF copy.)
Our parent involvement policy is reviewed annually by our Parent Advisory Council (last reviewed January 2020) or other stakeholders wishing to provide feedback. We plan to meet on February 19, 2019 at 6pm in Swain County Schools Central Office, 50 Main Street, floor 2 (old Federal Building) to complete our process. We would appreciate your input if you can attend (please RSVP to Kimberly, at or 828-488-3129 ext 5143) or we welcome your comments or feedback about how we can improve the CONTENT of our Family and Community Engagement Policies. (Just click.)
Swain County Schools recognizes that parents of our students are the first teachers, and that without the support of parents and our community, we cannot educate our future citizens. We encourage parents to be more than just involved in the schools of our children: ENGAGE with our schools. Within our community are multiple opportunities to support your child’s school, and more ways to engage are on the way. (Watch this website.) Check with your church to see if your Fellowship is a part of Congregations for Children (C4C) in Swain County. C4C has become an integral part of our school district in a very short time, and many of our churches are supporting our schools through volunteerism, supplies, mentoring, and much more.

For additional information on how you can become more engaged with your school, contact Evan Clapsaddle, Federal Programs Director, at or 488-3129 ext 5144.