K-8 Accountability
Student Accountability for Academic Achievement K-8
The principal has ultimate authority in promotion decisions based on
GS115C-288(a) and state and local standards.
Promotion Standards for Students in Grades K-2
To be considered for promotion in grades K-2, individual student progress toward proficiency levels, as well as grade level maturity, will be considered. The student must meet local standards in reading, language arts and mathematics in addition to the Swain County Schools attendance standard.
Promotion Standards for Students in Grades 3-8
To be promoted in grades 3-8, students must meet local standards, attendance requirements, and achieve at or above Level III on North Carolina’s End-of-Grade Tests in reading and mathematics. Additionally, students in grades 4 and 7 who do not achieve a minimum score of 2.5 on the North Carolina Writing Test must make adequate progress the following year in order to be promoted to the next grade.
Opportunity for Students Not Meeting Test Standard(s)
Teachers shall confer with the parent(s)/guardian(s) of students not meeting test standards. Parental contact shall be within two working days of the teacher’s receipt of test results, when possible.
The teacher shall discuss with the parent(s)/guardian(s) the following remedial options:
Grades 3-8: retest without remediation grade retention
retest with remediation other remedial option
summer academy
Students participating in the above remedial option(s) shall be given the opportunity to retest on the designated retest day(s). No fees shall be charged to students recommended for remediation programs required by the Accountability Policy. Each school shall develop and annually evaluate/modify a prevention/remediation “safety net” program for students.
Waiver from Local School Board Test Standard(s)
For students in grades 3-8 who score below Level III on the End-of-Grade test, a waiver of the student accountability standards may be requested. Parents may request a review after the first test administration. Teachers or parents may request a review after the second and third administration. A review committee established at each school will consider these requests and make a recommendation to the principal.
Students in Exceptional Children’s Program
The board believes that students with disabilities can achieve at the same level as students without disabilities and, to the extent possible, will be held to the same standards as all other students. Waiver decisions involving a student in the Exceptional Children’s Program will include an exceptional children’s resource teacher.
If modifications to testing procedures are granted to a student, they shall be consistent for every test administration. The modifications shall comply with the guidelines established by the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction.
Reference: Title 16, North Carolina Administrative Code Graduation Requirements. Swain County Board of Education policy IKE Student Promotion and Accountability is available in all schools. The information above is only a summary of the policy.