Congratulations to Swain County High School as the recipient of the 4th Annual "Tell Us Something Good" Award, presented by the Exceptional Children's Assistance Center (ECAC). ECAC is home to North Carolina’s Parent Training and Information Center (PTI), funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs. This award celebrates the school’s commitment to creating a welcoming and enthusiastic environment that supports families and ensures positive experiences for students with disabilities. Donna Griggs nominated Swain County High School for their efforts to support and enhance the high school experience of her son, Nolan Griggs.
Nolan Griggs is a senior at Swain County High School. Much beloved by his teachers and peers, he is a strong student and an active member of the Swain High Wrestling team. He appreciates all of his teachers and coaches, especially Sonya Blankenship (principal), Adam Jaimez (SCHS wrestling coach), Neil Blankenship (SCHS athletic director), and Kim Holt (teacher).